Check This First!
This section contains information about the Social Studies/Native Studies (SS/NS) Department and about this website.
Go to Introduction to read the SS/NS Policy Manual (in PDF format) and learn more about the structure and work of the SS/NS Department. To find out what is actually being done within our schools to promote SS/NS and Aboriginal cultural awareness, go to FSD SS/NS Surveys for analysis of the most recent biennial survey completed by all schools in Frontier School Division in 2008.
What's New? is where updates are posted for regular visitors to the site.
See Upcoming Events for listings of SS/NS workshops and conferences for teachers as well as relevant SS/NS contests for students.
The News section is a useful resource for teachers of current issues, particularly those news items focusing on social, political, and economic issues of interest to FSD and Northern Manitoba communities. Aboriginal news and news makers are also highlighted in this section.
Consult Hot Topics for current information/articles on controversial issues that relate in particular to SS/NS curricula.
Last updated:
June 24, 2014