SSNS Home > Senior Years > Digital Archives > Photo Archive > Ref. Guide > Index "C" > Canadian history
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#011 |
#137 Hudson Bay trip with Earl Grey, 1910 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665608 |
#138 Sailing down Hayes last day below Shamattawa 1910 Location: Hayes River, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665609 |
#150 Field staff of the Frontier College throughout Canada (1930) Location: N/A Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665625 |
#154 Denoon (Dalhousie) Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665633 |
#244 Oates arrival in Manitoba, 1928 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E4665841 |
#245 Oates on a street in an unidentified city, 1928 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665842 |
#268 The "Pterodactyl" with sails up. Birch Island, MB 1889 Location: Birch Island, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, PA050872 |
#274 Mounted Police & Geological Survey Camp, Spider Island, Lake Winnipeg, 1890 Location: Spider Island, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, PA050903 |
#278 G.A. (Tommy) Thompson, Supt. Western district The Pas, Western Canada Airways, c.1930 Location: The Pas, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, PA1023556 |
#287 An ocean port in the making, 1930. General survey of activities at the mouth of the Churchill River on Hudson Bay. Location: Churchill, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, C057055 |
#293 Can. Lumber Camp packing down the snow Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665590 |
#297 (l to r) Dr. Bradwin, F.O. Wishart, Jack Denoon, Gordon Richardson. H.B. R. July 1928 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665597 |
#302 Collecting fresh water on Daly Island, 1910 Location: Daly Island, Ontario Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665607 |
#303 Metis man standing beside an erratic, 1889 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665615 |
#306 Dr. Bradwin Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665624 |
#307 Instructor R.M. Clark, B.A. Graduate Univ. of Toronto. Fort Churchill, HBR Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665626 |
#309 J.W. Kerr - Toronto (Arts) H.B, Ry. Mile 494 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665631 |
#337 Oates and his motorcycle 1928 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665840 |
#348 Charles Lindberg and his wife in Churchill Location: Churchill, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665867 |
#349 Mr. & Mrs. Lindberg posing with their plane Location: Churchill, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, E004665868 |
#353 Children of Angus McKay, Indian Agent, Berens River, 1890 Location: Berens River, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, PA050905 |
#355 Frontier College with immigrants from Europe, Dauphin, 1907 Location: Dauphin, Manitoba Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, PA061814 |
#360 (l to r) George McKee, Paul Caulder, G.A. (Tommy)Thompson. Winter 1928 - 29 Location: Unknown Courtesy Library & Archives Canada, PA102339 |