SSNS Home > Senior Years > Curricula 9 to 12 > Grade 11 > Canadian History > Remembrance Day > Visual Memorials
1.Visual Memorials
Visual Memorials can provide a historical context for participants at Remembrance Day ceremonies. Here are two Powerpoint presentations developed by high school students at Gillam School under the direction of their teacher Scott Miller. They illustrate what can happen when the school and local community work together.
PLEASE NOTE: The original PowerPoint presentations have been converted to pdf format and open in Adobe Reader. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Control + H to activate automatic scrolling.
- Presentation 1:
Remembering Vimy.
- Presentation 2:
D-Day Dodgers: Canadians in Italy, World War II. This is a pictorial history of Canada’s efforts in Italy during World War II. Playing in the background is the satiric song “We are the D-Day Dodgers.” set to the tune of the popular wartime song “Lilli Marlene.” Written in retaliation for an unintentional insult by British Parliamentarian Lady Astor, who referred to Canadian troops in Italy as “D-Day Dodgers,” the song stands out in sharp contrast to what was actually happening on the ground. For more information, see The Real D-Day Dodgers and The Italian Campaign.
Presentation 3:
Canadian Deaths in Afghanistan, 2002-2007. This presentation puts a human face on the impact of war through the photographs of all the soldiers who have given up their lives in Afghanistan between 2002 and 2007. It was well received by the community of Gillam, when it was presented at the 2007 Remembrance Day services. The plan is to update it regularly, to reflect the continuing sacrifices our Canadian soldiers are making to establish the rule of law in war-torn Afghanistan.
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Last updated:
July 16, 2010
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