SSNS Home > Senior Years > Curricula 9-12 > Grade 11 > Canadian History > Remembrance Day > Educational Guides


Educational Guides


There are a number of educational guides on World War themes available to teachers online. We will add them here as we find them, as well as others we have created ourselves.

1. Lesson Plans from the Memory Project: Stories of the Second World War.

2. A Teacher’s Guide entitled The Murders at the Château d’Audrieu: A Case Study. This is a student research project that involves an analysis of the deaths of Canadian soldiers in Normandy after capture by the 12th SS Panzer Division ‘Hitler Youth”. This activity links to Canadian Soldiers Murdered in Normandy in 1944.

3. A Teacher’s Guide entitled Captain Robert Semrau: Murder or Mercy on the Battlefield? This is a research activity focusing on the trial of Captain Robert Semrau, who was court-martialed in 2010 on a charge of second-degree murder for killing a wounded, unarmed insurgent on an Afghan battlefield. As students study the evidence for and against this Canadian officer, they will be forced to grapple with many difficult issues related to appropriate battlefield conduct.