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Miss Rutherford


Rutherford, Miss. Dietician (1913-1914)

Miss Rutherford, dietician, took charge of the dining room and kitchens in the fall of 1913. Originally from Owen Sound, where she obtained her elementary and secondary schooling, she worked briefly for the Owen Sound “Times,” where her father was editor. Then she enrolled at the Macdonald Institute, graduating with first class honors in the professional housekeeper’s course in 1909. For the next two years she was matron and housekeeper at Brandon College, after which she spent a year as assistant house superintendent at Simmon’s College, Boston.  Her next position was Housekeeper for the new Toronto General Hospital. According to the M.A.C. Gazette,

Her “experience and ability, coupled with enthusiastic devotion to her work, and willingness to assist and lead in all that tends to improve the social life of the college” suggested that she would be at the college for some time. (The M.A.C. Gazette, v. VII, no. 1 (Oct. 1913), p. 34.) No information has been discovered as to why she did not remain in her position, but by the fall of 1914, the position of dietician was unfilled.